Sign Up

This guides you through the signing up of a new business in BizfinityERP. The system allows you to set up numerous businesses.

Logon to the website

Fill in your email address, password and click "Sign Up".

If you have already signed up previously, fill in your email address, password and click "Sign In".

Fill in the information on the screen shown and click the "Add User" button. This will add you as the administrator of the business you are creating.

Fill in the information of your business and click "Add Business" button. This will create a new company for you to work on in the system.

Tick one or more areas you want to manage with this system and click the "Add Modules" button. You can always add or remove any modules provided no transactions have been created in that particular module.

Tick one or more models that fit your business and click the "Add Models" button. This will load the infrastructure such as Chart of Accounts, Transaction Codes, Customer and Supplier Groups etc to start your system running. You can always add or remove any models provided no transactions have been created.

On completion, the system lists the business you have created.

You can select it and start working or click on the "New Business" button to add another company.

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